I'm working on a new app for Christmas this year. I had hoped to be done with it by now, but apps always seem to take longer than expected. (Although I might have stayed on schedule if it hadn't taken me a week to hammer out the photo-cropping stuff.) Anyway, here are a few sneak peeks:
There will be a Holiday Bells update this year, too. I'm planning on adding a couple more tap-along songs, and am going to drop the shake-to-clear thing in the iPhone version. That turned out to be a mis-feature; too many folks were accidentally clearing songs while playing them. Now it'll just be a "clear?" button, with an alert pop-up to make sure you really want to clear the song.
There'll also be an Eggster update, with retina art for the Winter board (iPhone). And I'll be adding the Winter board to Eggster for iPad.
It's going to be a crazy, busy couple of weeks!