I went to BreyerFest last month; it was the 25th anniversary "Silver Jubilee" BreyerFest. This year I had a table at the Artisan's Gallery. Its by far my favorite part of the fest, both from getting to show and sell my own art, and also for getting to look at all the other beautiful equine art that people bring.
I collect minis (about 1/25th scale), so I'm always keeping an eye out for neat minis to add to my collection. I really liked this fellow, but the $750 price tag was too much for me...

I loved these little minis by Sheryl Leisure, and ended up buying the pinto mustang:

There were also many lovely models to be found at the hotel room sales.

I was tickled to hear that a resin I painted, Little Lonestar in bay, won a reserve champ at the Nationals show during the week:
Most BreyerFest activities are at the Kentucky Horse park, and I went there on both Saturday and Sunday. Here are a few pix of some of the equine stars:

I've posted a lot more photos over on my Flickr page.
All in all a good trip. I look forward to going again next year!